Christmas Party 2023
We look back with pleasure on the most eagerly awaited event of the year: the Christmas party organized by PIT. Once again, the 2023 Christmas party took place in the cozy atmosphere of “die Säge” in Kappel. This year, the evening was celebrated under the direction of Katrin Himmelsbach, Selcuk Kurban and Jan Trenkle. Upon arrival, our hosts, accompanied by Mr. Jürgen Himmelsbach, greeted each employee with mulled wine, creating a warm and festive atmosphere.

Once all the employees had arrived and the first glass of mulled wine had been drunk, we took our seats at the table. Each PIT employee was presented with a gift from @Violas Rottweil and a personalized cell phone holder for the car with the PIT logo.
The highlights and various events in 2023 were relived through a presentation prepared by our organizers. This presentation also allowed them to reflect on the successes of 2023 and present the goals for the coming year. Two loyal employees, Norbert Mayer and Jürgen Kratt, also retired.
Norbert Mayer was honored with a set of gifts related to his passion for soccer, including a T-shirt, a cap, a scarf of his favorite team, TSV 1860 Munich, as well as VIP tickets for a match followed by a meal and an overnight stay in a hotel. Jürgen Kratt, on the other hand, received a generous travel voucher worth €2,000.

In recognition of their loyalty and commitment to PIT, four stars of our team, Luana Morra, Michelle Rudyk, Sergej Weiss and Emanuele Di Bella, were specially honored.Their contribution in 2023 was highlighted, applauded and rewarded. We also celebrated Mr. Azmir Jusufovic’s anniversary by presenting him with a travel voucher worth €1,000 to express our appreciation for his 20 years with us.
The organizers had also integrated dynamic animations into the evening’s program.At the beginning of the meal, each employee drew an envelope with a challenge that had to be completed by the end of dessert. Each employee then signed the challenge card and carefully placed it in the box provided.At the end of the meal came the long-awaited moment of the prize draw. The draw revealed that Waldemar Martynov had won a voucher worth €100 for Europa Park. His challenge was: “Get a fellow player to say something in another language.”

Comedian Ullich Steyb also contributed to the evening’s entertainment with his humorous show. He disguised himself as a polite waiter and delighted the audience with a funny, silent performance.At the end of the meal, he staged a romantic scene, inviting a member of staff to a romantic dinner. His show ended with an impressive juggling and diabolo demonstration.We would like to thank @Ullrich Steyb for this convivial moment.
The evening ended with a musical interlude by our DJ, which lasted until the doors closed at midnight.We were delighted by the enthusiastic participation of the vast majority of our employees in this celebration.
We look forward to sharing the challenges and successes of 2024 with such an outstanding team.