The Team goes bowling

Production In Time hosted its next team building event at BOWL & Co. in Leonberg and the team was looking forward to getting together again and having fun. At the beginning, the participants were divided into three groups and had 2 hours to play. We were all able to relax and have fun together, which […]

Romulo Kuranyi schaut gemeinsam mit dem management von Production in Time die Werke an.

PIT x Romulo Kuranyi

An inspiring meeting between the artist and the managing director of the company PIT brought about this collaboration. After Katrin Deniz Himmelsbach fell in love with his work, she proposed a collaboration project to Romulo Kuranyi, which the artist was immediately enthusiastic about. Romulo Kuranyi is a Brazilian-German artist. His passion for drawing and painting […]

Christmas party 2022

Also in the year 2022 there was again a great Christmas party at the company PIT. Together with a total of 40 employees, they celebrated the end of the year. This year’s event took place at “die Säge” in Kappel. The employees were first welcomed at the open fire with a wintry mulled wine. For […]

Traditional PIT BBQ Party

On Friday, 08.10.2021 the company PIT organized a BBQ party. Celebrating together is an important building block for us to strengthen the relationships among the employees and to strengthen the team spirit, so every employee was cordially invited. Over excellent food and drink, colleagues from both plants had the opportunity to get to know each […]

Christmas party 2021

For many people, the pre-Christmas period is probably the most wonderful time of the year, and what better way to end the year than by celebrating together. After we had to forgo two Christmas parties due to the current situation, this year we decided to hold the planned event despite some legal requirements. Besides a […]

The big search

For the first time an Easter raffle took place at the company PIT on 07.04.2022. More than 50 “Lindt Gold Bunnies” were provided with winning tickets and eight main prizes were hidden. With a basket filled with chocolate bunnies, our employee moved through the production halls. All employees had the chance to draw a lot. […]

Adventure hike

For the summer party 2022, the management has again thought of something very special. On Friday, 29.07.2022 at 09:00 the employees of the company gathered on the company premises. The occasion was an adventure hike. Punctually at 9:30 the bus driver opened his doors. Traditionally, the junior general manager took the microphone and made an […]

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